Academy of the

Who We Serve
We serve learners in grades k-8.
We serve homeschool families looking for options to help fulfill core curriculum requirements in the state of MO.
We serve homeschool families looking for enrichment programs in the arts and sciences.
We serve families looking for a co-op program to help provide social interactions with their kids.
Who We Are
We are a Christian Co-op
We are a group of certified teachers, family members, skilled professionals, and volunteers that are passionate about providing an alternative to traditional education.
We are innovators and educators who think outside the box.
We are facilitators of learning.
We are a non profit 501c3 organization.

What We Do
We teach individualized and engaging lessons that promote growth.
We focus on project based learning, student collaboration, and thematic units.
We monitor success through formal and informal assessments.
We invite the home-school community to explore the arts, technology & the sciences with us.
We teach Bible Basics through song, art, and dance.
We promote kindness, teamwork, respect for self and others.
We promote community involvement.